Collective Agreements

Independent Agreement - May 2024 to April 2027

CLRA Agreement - May 2021 to April 2024

Display Fixtures Agreement - May 2021 to April 2024


Wage Tables

Independent Agreement Wage Tables

Mainland - May 2024

Vancouver Island - May 2024


CLRA Agreement Wage Tables

Mainland - May 2024

Vancouver Island - May 2024


Display Fixtures Wage Tables

May 2023 to April 2024

May 2022 to April 2023

May 2021 to April 2022


Statutory and Union Holidays

Building Trades - 2024  2023  2022  2021

FMO - 2024  2023  2022  2021

DF Display Fixtures - 2024  2023  2022  2021

Whatever their faults, unions have been the only powerful and effective voice working people have ever had in the history of this country.

~ Bruce Springsteen