Icebreaker Golf Tournament 2019

The weather forecast had been for rain and overcast skies.  Leading up to Saturday, June 8th, it looked like the 2019 Icebreaker Golf Tournament may experience a wet start at the very least.  When the 142 golfers began arriving at Northview Golf & Country Club, it was clear that their spirits would not be dampened.  Thankfully, the clouds rolled out early, the rain held off, and the undaunted participants were rewarded with a sunny, yet mild, day of golf.  The winds provided their usual challenge to even the best out on the course, but were no match for the great time shared by friends and colleagues.

Thank you to the staff of Northview Golf & Country Club who, year after year, provide such a high level of service in additional to their exceptional product…the golf course.

Thank you to Lori Jow, who continues to organize and manage our tournament from start to finish each year.  Always an awesome job!

A final thank you to all the hole sponsors and participants who continue to help make this tournament a great success!  Hope to see you all next June!


2019 Icebreaker Golf Tournament  
Tournament Champions
Angus M. Memorial Trophy Winners
(Best All-516 Foursome)
John Demos
Luca Gatto
Dennis Morena
Bob Flanagan
Peter Wagner
Ian Sanderson
Sean Lewis
Bob Horvath
Bob Flanagan
Peter Wagner
Parm B
John Buchanan

Donna-Lee Tarlton
Ryan Rawlings
Justin Griffiths


Whatever their faults, unions have been the only powerful and effective voice working people have ever had in the history of this country.

~ Bruce Springsteen